If you missed the radio show on April 18th 2020, 5 pm at Cashmere Radio organised by PlusX and Cammack Lindsey you can now listen to the pieces in the archive.
Bacterial Consciousness is a collective musical composition exploring the idea of and imagining a ‘human/cyanobacteria’ symbiosis OR
In form of a musical composition, man’s synthetic realities are cancelled and many a futures’ stolen from within a polluted outcome as mammals again crawl back to the waters. Growing out of their inheritance of cyanotoxins and many other traits, their bodies and voices are un-mechanicalized, promoting dynamic collective languages of protest.
Kat will present a new piece called You don’t have to like everybody.
Participating artists in order of appearance:
Maithu (@maithupdate), Steph Holl-Trieu (@ste.pdf), Cammack Lindsey (@la.kitty.mia), Sue Weed (@tamen), Stevik (@n.stevik), Kat Austen (@katausten), Alice Dalgalarrondo (@alicedalga), Mama Fih (@bilgexemir), and Petja Ivanova (@petja_i)