Known for her experimental and deeply moving climate music, Kat’s work has been covered in a Marie Claire Italy feature “Tutto suona, quali sono i rumori che ci fanno bene” (All sounds, what are the noises that are good for us?”
Kat will headline the Leaky Earth programme at Technische Sammlung Dresden with The Matter of the Soul | Symphony. For this special performance, Kat has invited Korean media artist Dongjoo Seo to perform live visuals drawing on explorations of mining landscapes and transformation of bodies. The evening begins with screenings of films by the inimitable Rosa Barba.
This Land is Not Mine 3. Nov – 30. Nov 2023 11:00-17:00 Tues-Fri
Cinémathèque Leipzig Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 109, 04275 Leipzig, DE
The 20 channel video installation This Land is Not Mine will be exhibited as a solo show at the new gallery of Cinémathèque in Leipzig. A complementary programme of events is planned under the name Łuža throughout the month of November, starting with the This Land is Not Mine | Album performance on 3. Nov for the exhibition opening.
In case you missed the radio show featuring the first part of The Matter of the Soul | Symphony on May the 5th 2020 on p-node radio hosted by Klio Krahewska you can now download and listen to the playlist (archive Tuesday, 5/07, 18h, Klio).
If you missed the radio show on April 18th 2020, 5 pm at Cashmere Radio organised by PlusX and Cammack Lindsey you can now listen to the pieces in the archive.
Bacterial Consciousness is a collective musical composition exploring the idea of and imagining a ‘human/cyanobacteria’ symbiosis OR In form of a musical composition, man’s synthetic realities are cancelled and many a futures’ stolen from within a polluted outcome as mammals again crawl back to the waters. Growing out of their inheritance of cyanotoxins and many other traits, their bodies and voices are un-mechanicalized, promoting dynamic collective languages of protest.
Kat will present a new piece called You don’t have to like everybody.
Participating artists in order of appearance: Maithu (@maithupdate), Steph Holl-Trieu (@ste.pdf), Cammack Lindsey (@la.kitty.mia), Sue Weed (@tamen), Stevik (@n.stevik), Kat Austen (@katausten), Alice Dalgalarrondo (@alicedalga), Mama Fih (@bilgexemir), and Petja Ivanova (@petja_i)