Open science has received a lot of attention over the last decade. But what about open artistic research?
From a starting point of collaboration between people of diverse backgrounds, the STUDIOTOPIA Palaeoplasticene project hosted by Studio Austen is developing a platform to facilitate transdisciplinary artistic research by non-artists into the long-term existence of microplastic. Designed to be adaptable to multiple artistic research contexts and to be re-deployable by other researchers, this platform development highlights the unique challenges, and rigour, of artistic research. During the launch of the platform, artist Kat Austen, scientists Indrė Žliobaite and Laurence Gill will join Ars Electronica’s Andrew Newman to discuss transdisciplinary collaboration and open research. Web development is undertaken by Andreas Baudisch.
The session “Art-led participatory platform for transdisciplinary open research” will take place on September 10th at 1 p.m at Ars Electronica website.