Kat recently spoke to Wissenschaft im dialog about how art can help to transform narratives about sustainability in the future and the ongoing debate on the relationship between art and science. In their article, “We need depth of knowledge but at the same time we need its context” you can read Kat’s perspective on why art must be part of the solution to living sustainably.
Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation is the largest conference for science communication in the German-speaking area. The conference is organised annually by Wissenschaft im Dialog (WiD), the joint organisation of the German science for science communication. Kat will be part of a panel convened by the IASS Potsdam’s Alexandra Host, along with Futurium’s Stefanie Holzheu and Cecilia Oliveira of the IASS Potsdam to discuss “Communicating sustainability – Art as a means to transform narratives in society?”.
Forum Wissenschaftskommunikation will take place 4 – 6 October 2021 as a digital conference. Further information can be found here.